Ammonite LED SPELEO Umbilical Kit

Ammonite SystemSKU: AM-921455
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Battery: Accu 9Ah
Sale price£929.00


Ammonite LED SPELEO Umbilical Kit

Between the tight spaces, light absence, need for team communication and endless chances to bump the light over a hard surface, it's no wonder cave divers are always on the search for the next best thing.

And the new LED SPELEO is exactly that the best dive light for cave diving.


LED SPELEO umbilical primary dive light will definitely help you in communication and caves exploration for an exceptionally long period of time.

It has a concentrated beam that narrows to 6 degrees that can make its way through the water with a smooth glide.

LED SPELEO is one of the most worth-it dive lights to try in caves exploration.


LED SPELEO provides 1300 lumens of light on full power.

But as with all quality cave dive lights, it can also be adjusted to 20% (BACK-UP mode), 60% and 100% power to preserve battery and adjust brightness levels to eliminate backscatter in murky water.

The burn time of the light will depend on what level one has chosen.

It can go up to 16,5 hours in OPERATIONAL mode, and over 50 hours at BACK-UP mode with Ammonite System smallest battery, ACCU TYPE 10.


It is built from hard anodised marine aluminium making it resistant to corrosion, knocks and scratches.

Easy to operate switch knob is made of lightweight but very tough and corrosion resistant polymer (Delrin®) and the 6 mm front glass is made of highly resistant tempered glass.

For LED SPELEO the diver can safely go to a depth of 200 meters.


Aluminium alloy hard anodised casing, with only 116 mm length and 53 mm in diameter.

Yet while exceptionally durable, it only weighs 265 g (100 g in water), making it easy to maneuver even when holding it by hand.

LED SPELEO is also ideal for use with Ammonite System Goodman handles.


The inner microchip system signals low battery level with a strobe flash and automatically switches to take me home mode (light output at 20% light intensity) when the battery is drained.

Further help or advice

To compare product options or see the full Ammonite range and all Options of Primary and backup/handheld torches check them out.

We can also offer "DEMO" options both dry and wet demo days, just call the shop to find out more.

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